Fellows seminars
Upcoming seminars:
- 18/03/2025, 12.15-15.45 - Alexandru Oancea (2021) & Raphaël Côte (2022)
Two unifying principles in mathematics: duality and stability - 22/04/2025, 15.00-16.30 - Sylvain Hugel (2021)
- 27/05/2025, 12.00-13.30 - Boyan Bonev (2024)
- 24/06/2025, time tbc - Nicola Cucuzza (2024) & Agnès Molinier Arbo/Massimiliano Vitiello (2024)
Past seminars:
- 30/01/2025 - Édouard Mehl (2022)
What can we possibly see from the shoulders of a giant? Writing the history of philosophy in the 21st century - 25/02/2025 - Florent Renaud (2023)
How to observe the invisible: the quest for dark matter around galaxies
- 22/02/2024 - Joint chemistry seminar : Christophe Michon & Cuong Pham-Huu (2021) / Paolo Samori (2020)
Smart chemistry for a smarter future - 14/03/2024 - Dina Khapaeva (2023)
Propaganda of violence in Putin’s memory politics - 11/04/2024 - Claude Sauter (2021)
Biocrystallography: from the DNA double helix to molecular cinema - 14/05/2024 - Petros Stangos (2020)
Exchanges on the book by Petros Stangos: The making of European social jurisprudence - 21/05/2024 - Meghan Roberts (2023)
France’s first vaccine campaign - 18/06/2024 - Marie-Sophie Winter (2023)
Book, codex and portable library: manuscript 2119 of Strasbourg's National and University Library - 12/09/2024, 15.30-17.00 - Yvon Le Maho & Victor Planas Bielsa (2022)
Deep learning-driven identification and behavioral-physiological responses of Humboldt penguins to an intruder - 15/10/2024 - Marie Bizais-Lillig (2021)
Studying the use of words to decipher representations of nature and people in first millennium China: the CHI-KNOW-PO project - 26/11/2024, - Angela Giangrande & Tina Mukherjee (2021) / Nacho Molina (2021)
Unravelling the regulation of gene expression & The link between immune cells and growth - 17/12/2024, 12.00-13.30 - Siv Lie (2023)
Ambivalence and appropriateness in musical approaches to Romani genocide commemoration
- 17/01/23 - Demian Battaglia (2020)
Weird architectures: dynamic and structural complexity as a resource for brain function - 16/03/23 - Shankar Raman (2022)
Literature and mathematics in early modernity: Hamlet, Pascal, and the interrupted game - 23/05/23 - Vladimir Dotsenko (2021)
Operad-like structures - from the "tree of life" and stemmata to algebra and geometry - 03/06/23 - Martha Eppes (2022)
A science lecture on rock fracturing will be given as part of the art-science event - Capacity, crackling and collaboration, that will be held on 2-3 June - 27/06/23 - Jérôme Beauchez (2019)
Making LinCS: a project in cultural studies - 14/09/23 - Arvind Kumar (2022)
Representation of information in the brain - 12/10/23 - Olaf Eisen (2021) [postponed from 06/04/23]
Ice sheet humming and climate change - 30/11/23 - Mickaël Labbé (2021)
Habitability: a model for designing architecture in the Anthropocene era - 19/12/23 - Christelle Golzio & Hélène Puccio (2019) and Patrick Schultz (2021)
Alterations in genes or their packaging leading to human diseases
- 18/01/2022 - Semyon Klevtsov (2020)
Geometric test for topological phases of quantum matter - 03/02/2022 - Thomas Grutter (2019), Bruno Klaholz (2018), Wojciech Krezel & Alain Wagner (2018) and Manuel Mendoza (2019)
Joint Life Sciences Fellows Seminar - 03/03/2022 - Mir Wais Hosseini (2015)
Molecular turnstiles - 29/03/2022 - Franck Fischbach & Éric Pineault (2020)
Social metabolism and the geological foundations of capitalist accumulation - 26/04/2022 - Frédéric Colin (2019)
Digital archaeology in the cemetery of the Royal Court in Thebes, Egypt - 24/05/2022 - Benoît Marteyn (2020)
Neutrophil antimicrobial activity in oxygen-free conditions - 09/06/2022 - Isabelle Marc & Todd Reeser (2021)
Isabelle Marc - French pop music, gender and genre: the case of Mylène Farmer
Todd Reeser - Transgender France: Universalism and Sexual Subjectivity - 15/09/2022 - Atish Mukherji & Tsvetan Serchov (2020)
Atish Mukherji - The hepatic circadian clock and its connection to chronic liver disease
Tsvetan Serchov - The role of the molecular circadian clock in the neurobiology and treatment of depression - 11/10/2022 - Élisabeth Lambert (2020)
Do you have a right to healthy and sustainable food?
24/11/2022 - Alexandre Smirnov (2020)
Playing evolution, or learning to live without (really) important proteins - 13/12/2022 - Stéphane Baudron & Benoît Louis (2019), Pierre Mobian (2020) et Amparo Ruiz Carretero & Shu Seki (2020)
When chemistry goes chiral
- 14/01/2021 - Tijana Vujosevic (2018)
Communism, Space and Trans-Species Kinship: Two Cold War Histories - 09/02/2021 - Kirk Ormand (2020)
Invective poetry and archaic Greek social politics - 25/03/2021 - Nicolas Matt (2018)
Deciphering the innate immune response: lessons from drosophila genetics - 20/04/2021 - Petra Hellwig (2018)
Nanoarchitectonics for the spectroscopic study of the reaction mechanism of proteins - 20/05/2021 - Lianne Habinek (2019)
Unfolding the early modern page: Moveable bodies and paper engineering - 24/06/2021 - Michael Ryckelynck (2018) & Roger Cubi (post-doc), 24/06/2021
TranslatOmiX: Implementing a bead-free DNA barcoding technology for the study of single cell transcription and translation - 21/09/2021 - Luc Dupuis (2019)
What causes weight loss in Charcot’s disease? - 12/10/2021 - Bertrand Dupé (2019), Cyriaque Genet (2018), Nikolay Prokof'ev & Guido Pupillo (2019) and Adrian-Mihail Stadler (2018)
Thematic seminar - natural sciences - 25/11/2021 - Jacob Rogozinski (2018)
The hypothesis of the Israelite revolution - 02/12/2021 - João Marques (2019)
The molecular basis of natural antiviral resistance against Dengue and Zika viruses in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes