Three USIAS Fellows recognised as CNRS 2020 Talents
The CNRS announced its 2020 medallists in February: Boris Hippolyte and Jean-Luc Imler were the recipients of a silver medal, and Joanna Wencel-Delord of a bronze medal.
Each year, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) rewards researchers as part of its Talents initiative. Six different types of medals are awarded to researchers and officials for their exceptional contributions to the vitality and reputation of the CNRS.
The silver medal distinguishes researchers for the originality, quality and importance of their work. It is awarded, as their careers take off, to researchers who have already gained recognition at the national and international level. Two of the medals went to researchers from the University of Strasbourg. Boris Hippolyte, 2017 USIAS Fellow, specialises in subatomic physics on the fundamental structure of matter and is a researcher at the Hubert Curien Pluridisciplinary Institute (IPHC). The other Fellow to be awarded a medal in 2020 is Jean-Luc Imler, whose USIAS project on antiviral innate immunity ran from 2014-2016. He is a professor in the university’s research unit for Innate Immune Response in Insect Models (M3I).
Joanna Wencel-Delord was a 2015 USIAS Fellow, and is based in Strasbourg at the Laboratory of Molecular Innovation and Applications (LIMA). She received the bronze medal in recognition of initial work, as a promising young researcher in her field.
More information on the CNRS Talents and the full list of 2020 awardees (silver medal and bronze medal).