Université de Strasbourg

Past events

French Cultural Studies ? The stakes and politics of knowledge

June 15, 2022
From 09:30 until 17:30
Salle de Table Ronde, MISHA, Strasbourg (FR)

Study day Although cultural studies constitutes one of the major academic turning pointsthat has influenced and transformed research in the humanities and social sciences over the last sixty years,...[more]

Public lecture - Lost in a book – on the nature and value of immersive reading

June 15, 2022
From 09:30 until 10:45
Salle de Table Ronde, MISHA, Strasbourg (FR)

By Diana HolmesProfessor of FrenchUniversity of Leeds (United Kingdom) The lecture will be given in English. It is part of the study day "French Cultural Studies ?", everyone is welcome, but...[more]

Joint Fellows seminar - Isabelle Marc & Todd Reeser

June 9, 2022
From 15:00 until 17:00
MISHA, Strasbourg

By Isabelle Marc and Todd Reeser These two 2021 Fellows work in the area of gender studies. They will present their respective research during a joint seminar, with two separate talks. Todd Reeser...[more]

Fellows seminar - Neutrophil antimicrobial activity in oxygen-free conditions

May 24, 2022
From 15:30 until 17:00
MISHA, Strasbourg

By Benoît Marteyn, 2020 Fellow Neutrophils are the most abundant type of immune cells in circulation. When bacteria invade an organ, neutrophils are mobilised to prevent bacteria from spreading in...[more]

Fellows seminar - Digital archaeology in the cemetery of the Royal Court in Thebes, Egypt

April 26, 2022
From 15:30 until 17:00

By Frédéric Colin, 2019 Fellow The funerary temple of Pediamenopet, a Chief Priest believed to have several pharaohs, is a vast monument of the Late Pharaonic Period (8th-7th century BC) located...[more]

Fellows Seminar - Social metabolism and the geological foundations of capitalist accumulation

March 29, 2022
From 12:00 until 14:00
MISHA, Strasbourg

By Franck Fischbach and Éric Pineault, 2020 Fellows Recent advances in socio-metabolic research have highlighted the material base of stocks and flows implied in the economic growth of capitalist...[more]

Documentary screening: To the heart of the social network

March 21, 2022
From 18:00 until 20:00
Salle de conférence, MISHA

Living in a group usually provides many benefits, but it also causes stress. Social relations can be a great support, increasing chances of survival; but they can also be a source of social...[more]

Fellows Seminar - Molecular turnstiles

March 3, 2022
From 15:30 until 17:00

By Mir Wais Hosseini, 2015 Fellow Movements are ubiquitous in all living entities such as animals and vegetals. At the molecular level, the control of intramolecular movements, i.e. the relative...[more]

France 2030