Université de Strasbourg

Workshop: Structure and Reactions for Nuclear Astrophysics

From November 22, 2017 until November 24, 2017

[Translate to English:] NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/CI Lab

Nuclear astrophysics is an interdisciplinary branch of physics involving close collaboration among researchers in various subfields of nuclear physics and astrophysics, with the aim to understand the origin of the chemical elements and the energy generation in stars. Nuclear structure and reactions for astrophysics studies are among the leading activities of the Department of Subatomic Research at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC) in Strasbourg.

On the theoretical side, Large Scale Shell Model Calculations have been recognized as a leading pole in nuclear structure calculations. On the experimental side, strong activities in the domain of reactions rates measurements have been developed which play a major role in the life cycle of massive stars.

This workshop aims at regrouping leading experts in order to expose actual state-of-the-art developments and stimulate forthcoming collaborations. This meeting will also be an opportunity for doctoral students or post-doctoral researchers to expose their work and attend experts presentations in the field. The workshop is co-organised by Sandrine Courtin (USIAS Fellow 2015), David Jenkins (USIAS Fellow 2013), Alfredo Poves (USIAS Fellow 2015).

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