First screening of the film "Saru: a history of cultural transmission”
Saru - Japanese monkeys: a history of cultural transmission
This is the first screening in France of the documentary from award-winning director Aurélien Prudor, featuring the research of Cédric Sueur (2012 USIAS Fellow) and colleagues.
Human societies have always been highly adaptable, which allows them to survive in very diverse environments. To this end, human groups have developed and perfected specific techniques over generations, creating and enriching a unique heritage specific to each environment. Is the transmission of a cultural heritage exclusive to mankind? Can we talk about culture and cultural learning in animals?
Follow an international team of ethologists in Japan as they decipher, in the wild, the mechanisms of cultural transmission in the Japanese macaque (Saru), a species that has colonised different habitats in Japan. Step by step, discover how researchers study this heritage within the group. Alongside baby monkeys, learn about their social codes and discover how each community of monkeys has developed its own unique behaviour. A film that should change your perception of social animals...
17:00 | Opening remarks by Mathieu Schneider, Vice-President of Culture and Science in Society at the University of Strasbourg |
17:05 | Introductory remarks by Hiroyuki Uchida (Consul General of Japan in Strasbourg), Thomas Ebbesen (director of the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study) and Michèle Forté (director of the Maison Universitaire France-Japon) |
17:15 | Film "Saru: a history of cultural transmission" |
17:45 | Questions and discussion, with Aurélien Prudor (Wild Talks) and Cédric Sueur (Ethology and Evolutionary Physiology, Hubert Curien Pluridisciplinary Institute) |
Watch the teaser: