Aggée Célestin Lomo Myazhiom & Frédéric Reichhart
Biography - Aggée Célestin Lomo Myazhiom
European Dynamics (DynamE), University of Strasbourg
Professor Aggée Célestin Lomo Myazhiom, historian and socio-anthropologist, holds a habilitation (accreditation to supervise research) in sociology and is currently Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg, after having lectured at the University of Dschang (Cameroon). He has been Visiting Professor at the Tokyo University of Science (Japan) and Visiting Researcher and Professor at the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (ILCAA, TUFS, Japan). He is Global Associate of the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and editor of the multidisciplinary journal in the humanities Histoire et Anthropologie.
Aggée Célestin Lomo Myazhiom is also director of the Master Program in Adapted Physical Activities and Health - Engineering and Development (University of Strasbourg), member of the "European Dynamics" research unit, co-founder of the International Francophone Network of Studies and Research on Disability, and member of the Study and Research Commission of the French Federation of Adapted Sport (Paris). He conducts research from an intercultural perspective between Africa, Asia and Europe on vulnerability, minorities, colonisation, chronic diseases, disabilities and tourism. As author or co-author he has published, amongst other works: Sociétés et rivalités religieuses au Cameroun sous domination française (2001); Remember Sida (2002); Ces Alsaciens venus d’ailleurs (2009) ; Vih-Sida. La vie en danger (2010); Tourisme handicap (2014) ; Sports, loisirs et sociétés en Afrique de l’Ouest (2015); Le handicap dans notre imaginaire culturel (2015); Les malentendus culturels dans le domaine de la santé (2016); Le handicap et ses empreintes culturelles (2017).
Biography - Frédéric Reichhart
Research Group on disability, accessibility and educational practices (GRHAPES), INSHEA - National Higher Institute for Training and Research for the Education of Young Disabled Persons and Adapted Teaching, Suresnes, France
Professor Frédéric Reichhart has been a lecturer in sociology at the National Higher Institute for Training and Research for the Education of Young Disabled Persons and Adapted Teaching (INSHEA) since 2012, where he directs the master’s programme “Advising on accessibility and supporting and special need groups”. He is a member of the Research Group on disability, accessibility and educational practices (GRHAPES) and his research focuses on the social representations of disability in the francophone community and on accessibility, particularly in tourism and culture. In 2011, he published a book entitled Tourisme et handicap : Le tourisme adapté ou les loisirs touristiques des personnes déficientes (Harmattan), and is the author of numerous articles in scientific and popular journals (for more information, see his homepage).
Project - The social treatment and systems of representation of disability in Haiti
June 2018 – December 2022
Structured around the social construction of disability in Haiti, this study opens the way to a field that is seldom visited and covered, thus lacking scientific data and studies. Its purpose is to analyse and understand how representations of disability are elaborated, and what ideological and epistemological foundations underlie them. From a qualitative perspective (comprehensive socio-anthropology), the study relies on data collected through life stories, participant observation and semi-structured interviews with disabled people, their families and their local sociability network (neighbours, work colleagues, school, leisure, etc.) as well as institutional and associative resources (public institutions, NGOs, associations and others). By privileging a participatory approach, the study will mobilise Haitian actors from civil society (i.e. self-support associations and national federations working in the field of disability), politics (the Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities - BSEIPH), as well as Haitian universities.
This project also has a formative dimension: it involves students who, as part of their training, will participate in the development of interview and observation protocol and data collection. The research is combined with seminars as well as study days during which the work progress and data collected will be presented and discussed in thematic round tables. The data that has been collected and analysed will be used by Haitian universities to actively implement lessons that focused on specific case studies of disability, and by Haitian training organisations to develop awareness-raising actions among local populations.
- Aggée Célestin Lomo Myazhiom's web page (DynamE)
- Research Group on disability, accessibility and educational practices (GRHAPES)
- Aggée Célestin Lomo Myazhiom web page (ResearchGate)
- Frédéric Reichhart's homepage (INSHEA)