Jean-Christophe Cassel
Jean-Christophe Cassel was born on July 22nd, 1962, in Strasbourg (France). He got his PhD in 1990 and his qualification for a professorship in 2000, both at the University of Strasbourg. He has been researcher (1991-2002) and research director (2002-2009) at CNRS, before becoming professor at the University of Strasbourg (in 2009). He spent two years as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the Institut of Pharmacology of the University of Freibug-im-Breisgau (1991 and 2002). He is head of the LNCA since January 2013. In this laboratory, the research group he is co-heading with Dr Anne-Laurence Boutillier aims to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of memory systems in the rat, especially of trace consolidation and retrieval mechanisms, including at molecular and systems levels. He is co-author on about 180 publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.
As part of his fellowship, Jean-Christophe Cassel is working on the project Deep brain stimulation of the ventral midline thalamus to boost memory vividness over time, together with his collaborator Ulrich Hofmann.