Laurent Brunaud
Laurent Brunaud is professor of Surgery at the department of Digestive, Hepatobiliary and Endocrine Surgery at the CHU Nancy (Hopital de Brabois) of the University of Lorraine in France. After a residency in general surgery, he decided to focus his interest and clinical activity on endocrine and metabolic surgery. After a fellowship in endocrine surgical oncology in San Francisco (UCSF- Mount Zion / Pr Quan Duh and Pr Orlo Clark) in 2001- 2002, he became professor in General Surgery in 2004. He participated in about 110 articles and wrote several book chapters in French and English. Among his other activities, he is currently Head of endocrine and metabolic surgery unit in University Hospital of Nancy and was awarded an international guest scholarship from American College of Surgeons in 2010. Doctor Brunaud is Editor of Journal of Visceral Surgery (Elsevier) since 2007. Robotic surgery, pheochromocytomas, and hyperparathyroidism are among his many current clinical interests.
As part of his fellowship, Laurent Brunaud is working on Molecular mechanisms of hyper-secretion in neuroendocrine tumors with his collaborator Stéphane Gasman.