Frank Baas
Frank Baas MD, PhD is Professor of Neurogenetics, current head of the Neurogenetics laboratory at the AMC at the University of Amsterdam and a board certified Clinical Molecular geneticist. In 2006 he became Head of the Ge- nome Analysis facility AMC. In 1991 he became assistant Professor at the Department of Neurology, University of Amsterdam Academic Medical Centre, and specializes in human molecular (neuro) genetics, staying on as an hon- orary staff member of the Netherlands Cancer Institute from 1991-1996. In 1989-1991 he was scientist at the Neth- erlands Cancer Institute, Division of Molecular Biology, establishing a research group on the regulation of gene expression and the identification of new mechanisms for multidrug resistance. Frank Baas obtained his MD (1982) and his PhD (1986) in Amsterdam (UvA). From 1987-1988 he was visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cancer Center (D.E. Housman) and Harvard University (T. Maniatis). Frank Baas has published over 250 peer-reviewed papers in the field of human genetics. He is also a named inventor on patents in the fields of neurode- generation and cancer.
As part of his fellowship, Frank Baas is working on the project Human blinding diseases: breaking new ground using a novel small mammal model to analyze cone function and survival, with his collaborators David Hicks et Maarten Kamermans.