Alfredo Poves
After a Master in Physics at the University of Zaragoza, Alfredo Poves obtained his PhD at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). He did postdoc at the CRN (Centre de Recherche Nucléaire, Strasbourg) thanks to a Joliot-Curie Fellowship and became Chargé de Recherches. He is promoted full Professor at the UAM in 1984, where he also has been Vice-Rector, Chairman of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics. He is a Member of the PAC several european laboratories, including GANIL, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ECT* (Trento), Scientific Advisor of the Ministry of Education and Science and Chairman of the CNEAI (Spanish Commission for the Evaluation of the Researchers).
His field of research is on theoretical nuclear structure, being a founder of the Strasbourg Madrid Shell Model collaboration SM*2 ; his main topics of research are the spectroscopy of exotic nuclei, the microscopic description of the emergence of collective behavior in nuclei and its understanding in terms of the symmetries of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the nuclear structure aspects of the neutrinoless double beta decays. The article "The Shell Model as a Unified View of Nuclear Structure" published in Reviews of Modern Physics, which gathers many of the SM*2 contributions, has become a classic in the field. Member of the Editorial Boards of Nuclear Physics A and Physical Review C., Alfredo Poves has been invited Professor at the University of Strasbourg, Scientific Associate at CERN and Visiting Scientist at TRIUMF (Vancouver). He received the GENCO Award and is Member of the Academia Europaea.
As part of his fellowship, Alfredo Poves is working on the project Microscopic description of exotic nuclei : New frontiers.