Vincent Dubois
Vincent Dubois, sociologist and political scientist born in 1966, belongs to the SAGE research unit (UMR CNRS 7263). A former a member of the Institut Universitaire de France (2007-2012), and of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ, USA (2012-2013), he is currently Professor at the Institute for Political Studies-University of Strasbourg, where he runs the master programme in political and social science. He received the bronze medal of the CNRS in 2001. His research proposes a critical sociological approach to public policy that he mainly applied in the fields of culture, language, poverty and welfare. He has published more than 70 papers in scientific journals and volumes and eight books, including recently The Bureaucrat and the Poor: Encounters in French Welfare Offices, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2010; La politique culturelle [Cultural Policy], Paris, Belin, 2012; Le politique, l’artiste et le gestionnaire [The political leader, the artist and the manager], Bellecombe, Croquant, 2012 (co-authored); La vie au guichet. Relations bureaucratiques et traitement de la misère, 3rd edition, Paris, Economica; The Sociology of Wind Bands. Amateur Music Between Cultural Domination and Autonomy, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2013 (co-authored); La culture comme vocation [Culture as a Vocation], Paris, Raisons d’Agir, 2013 [English version forthcoming, Routledge, 2015].
As part of his Fellowship, Vincent Dubois is working on the project Controlling the entitled: a new watchword of the welfare state?.
Link to the home page of Vincent Dubois.
Crédits photos : Pascal Bastien