Niilo Kauppi
A political sociologist, Niilo Kauppi is research director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). He teaches at Sciences Po Strasbourg and the universities of Lausanne and Luxembourg. Kauppi is a former President of the Finnish Political Science Association and vice-chair of ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research), and president of the jury of its Mattei Dogan Prize in Political Sociology. With David Swartz (Boston University), he is convenor of the ECPR Standing Group in Political Sociology. Kauppi is the author and editor of 11 books and over 70 articles in political sociology, European politics, social theory and intellectual history. His current research interests include higher education policies and knowledge governance. Recent publications are ‘Knowledge Warfare: Social Scientists as Operators of Global Governance’, International Political Sociology (8/3/2014), A Political Sociology of Transnational Europe (ed.) (ECPR Press, 2013) and Transnational Power Elites: The New Professionals of Governance, Law and Security (ed. with Mikael Rask Madsen) (Routledge, 2013). Kauppi is also a Senior Editor of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Politics.
As part of his Fellowship, Niilo Kauppi is working on the project Globalising Practices in the Governance of Higher Education and Research in collaboration with Dietmar Braun and Merle Jacob.