Université de Strasbourg

Dietmar Braun

Dietmar BraunDietmar Braun was nominated professor of comparative political science in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1996 after having finished his PhD in Amsterdam, Netherlands (1988) and his habilitation thesis in Heidelberg, Germany (2006). He has worked from 2004 to 2012 for the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Research in the Max-Planck-Institute for Societal Research in Cologne has led to an historical and comparative analysis of research funding organisations (1997). Several publications have followed (1993; 1998; Braun and Guston 2003; 2010). One of the most influential ideas was the introduction of principal-agent theory into the discussion of research funding (1993). A different line of research was a comparative analysis of the introduction of new public management as a new form of governance in universities. The edited volume in 1999 was one of the first contributions dealing with a debate that still continues until today and introduced a widely used and discussed heuristic scheme of university governance (1999; Braun and Merrien 1999).

Governance of science has been taken up more recently in an on-going ESF funded comparative research project (four country teams) on university governance of scientific innovation, which deals specifically with the cognitive dimension of scientific development and the influence of “authority relations” on this development Braun et al. 2014a). Further contributions until now are an attempt to understand governance conditions of discipline-building in universities (Braun 2013), an analysis of contradictions in the management of universities (Braun et al. 2014b), and the application of an expected utility model to scientific choice of new cognitive fields (Braun 2012). The topic of political coordination in research policy-making has led to an edited volume in Science and Public Policy (2008). Recently, I took up the European dimension of research funding (to be published in Nedeva and Wedlin (forthcoming)).

As part of his Fellowship, Dietmar Braun is working on the project Globalising Practices in the Governance of Higher Education and Research with Merle Jacob and Niilo Kauppi.


Braun D, 1993: Who governs intermediary agencies? Principal-agent relations in research policy- making. Journal of Public Policy 13, 2 p. 135-162.
Braun D., 1997: Die Politische Steuerung der Wissenschaft. Ein Beitrag zum "kooperativen Staat".Frankfurt a. M.: Campus.
Braun D, 1998: The role of funding agencies in the cognitive development of science. Research Policy 27, p. 807-821.
Braun D, Merrien FX (eds.), 1999, Towards a New Model of Governance for Universities ? A Comparative view. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Braun D. 1999, Changing Governance Models in Higher Education: The Case of the New Managerialism. Revue Suisse de Science Politique 5, 3 p. 1-24.
Braun D. , Guston D. (eds.), 2003, Special Issue on Principal-Agent Theory and Research Policy. Science and Public Policy 10-2003.
Braun D, 2008. Special Issue on "The political coordination of knowledge and innovation policies". Science and Public Policy 35(4) p. 289-298.
Benninghoff Martin, Braun Dietmar, 2010. Research funding, authority relations, and scientific production in Switzerland. Pp. 81-109 in Whitley, Richard, Gläser, Jochen, Engwall, Lars (eds.), Reconfiguring Knowledge Production. Changing Authority Relationships in the Sciences and their Consequences for Intellectual Innovation. Oxford University Press.
Braun, D., 2012. Why do scientists migrate? A diffusion theory. Minerva.
Braun D., 2013. University Governance and Scientific Innovation. in Musselin, Christine and Pedro Teixeira (eds.), Reforming Higher Education: Public Policy Design and Implementation. Springer. Pp. 145-173.
Benninghoff M. , Ramuz R. , Gorga A. , Braun D., 2014a. Institutional conditions and changing research practicies in Switzerland. pp. 175-202 in Whitley G. , Gläser J. (eds.), Organizational transformation and scientific change: the impact of institutional restructuring on universities and intellectual innovation. First edition, Research in the Sociology of Organizations 42. Emerald Books.
Braun Dietmar , Benninghoff Martin , Gorga Adriana , Ramuz Raphäel, 2014b. Interdependency Management in Universities - a Case Study. Studies in Higher Education. Published online 06-2014
Braun D., forthcoming. The European Funding Area as a Multi-Level Governance System. in Nedeva, Maria and Linda Wedlin (eds.), Towards European Science: dynamics and change in science policy and organization. Edward Elgar.


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