Bernard Doudin
Bernard Doudin is Professor in the Physics and Engineering Department of the University of Strasbourg, leading a research group in the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials of Strasbourg (IPCMS). After studies in Switzerland (University and Ecole Polytechnique of Lausanne), he became Professor at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA, leading a team in the Materials Research Center focusing on nanomagnetism. He moved to Strasbourg in 2005, starting a new laboratory dedicated to nanofabrication of molecular and spin electronics devices, at the interface between Physics and Chemistry. His main research activity combines the fields of nanoelectronics, organic electronics, and spintronics, aiming at creating magnetism-based multifunctional devices, with an emphasis on molecular electronics.
As part of his Fellowship, Bernard Doudin is working on the project Microfluidics without walls with his collaborators Michael Coey and Thomas Hermans.