Hans-Christian Günther
Hans-Christian Günther, who studied in Freiburg and Oxford, is professor for Classics in the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität-Freiburg. He has been Feodor-Lynen-scholar of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Venice and has been awarded the Gerhardt-Hess-price of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. He is editor of several book series and member of advisory boards of several learned journals. He is member of the 'Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie' (GIP), the 'Hans-Pfitzner-Gesellschaft' and Vice-President of the 'International Association for Comparative Studies of China and the West' (IACSCW). Beside Classics (mainly Augustan Poetry, Greek Tragedy and Philosophy) he is interested in Intercultural Philosophy (Dialogue of Religions), Ethics and Political Philosophy. He is also author of numerous translations from various languages.
As part of his Fellowship, Hans-Christian Günther is working on the project Bossuet: writer, intellectual and political thinker in the context of his time, together with his collaborators Béatrice Guion and Gérard Ferreyrolles.