Gérard Ferreyrolles
Gérard Ferreyrolles is born in 1949 in Paris. He is a graduate of the “Ecole Normale supérieure” and was successful for the competitive examination for “agregation” in classical literature (1973). Then assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and cultural attaché in Venice, Italy. After his PhD in French literature in the Sorbonne (1982), he was consecutively assistant professor at the University of Rouen, Visiting Professor at Stanford University and assistant professor at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. After his professorial thesis in 1994, he was elected Professor at the University of Dijon, and, from 1997, at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, where he leads the research team “Port-Royal and literature” in the “Study Centre for the language and literature of the 17th and 18th centuries” (UMR 8599 of the CNRS). He is a member of the National Universities Council and was awarded the Pierre-Gorges Castex Prize from the Political and Moral Sciences Academy in 2012.
As part of his Fellowship, Gérard Ferreyrolles is working on the project Bossuet writer, intellectual and political thinker in the context of his time, together with his collaborators Hans-Christian Günther and Béatrice Guion.