Béatrice Guion
Béatrice Guion, former student of the École Normale Supérieure and agrégée in Classics, is professor of 17th-century French literature at the University of Strasbourg, and director of the research group EA 1337 (« Configurations littéraires »). She is head of « Colloques, Congrès et Conférences (le classicisme) » and « Mémoires, journaux, correspondances (XVIIe siècle) » collections of the publisher Champion. She is a member of the scientific and advisory board of the Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques and of the Chroniques de Port-Royal. From 2004 to 2009 she was Honorary Secretary of the Société d'Étude du XVIIe siècle. She won in 2010 the Pierre-Georges Castex award (Académie des sciences morales et politiques).
Her research and publications focus mainly on religious literature (namely Port-Royal and Bossuet), on French moralists, on rhetorical and aesthetic thought in the 17th- and early 18th-century, and on the writing of history in early modern Europe. She is the author of two books : Pierre Nicole moraliste (Paris, Champion, 2002) and Du bon usage de l'histoire : histoire, morale et politique à l'âge classique (Paris, Champion, 2008), and of two critical editions : Pierre Nicole, La Vraie Beauté et son fantôme, et autres textes d’esthétique (Paris, Champion, 1996) ; Antoine Houdar de La Motte, Textes critiques. Les raisons du sentiment, with Fr. Gevrey (Paris, Champion, 2002). She co-authored Bossuet (Paris, PUPS, 2008). She was the editor of a special issue of the Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques on Langues et nations (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles), n° 36, 2012 ; and co-editor, with Cl. Poulouin, of a special issue of XVIIe siècle entitled Faire lire l'histoire (n° 246, janvier-mars 2010).
As part of her Fellowship, Béatrice Guion is working on the project Bossuet: writer, intellectual and political thinker in the context of his time, together with her collaborators Hans-Christian Günther and Gérard Ferreyrolles.