Christian Bonah
Christian Bonah has studied medicine (MD), history and history of science (PhD) at the Universities of Strasbourg, Berlin and Freiburg. After a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University he has created and directed the Department for Social Studies and Humanities in Medicine and Health (DHVS) at the Medical Faculty. Christian Bonah received research grants from ANR, DFG, ESF and the EU framework program, and was junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He has worked on comparative history of medical education, the history of medication, as well as the history of human experimentation. Recent work includes research on risk perception and management in drug scandals and courtroom trials as well as studies on medical films.
As part of his Fellowship, Christian Bonah is working on the project Madness goes downtown. Strasbourg and Berlin in the rise of modern psychiatry, together with USIAS fellow Volker Hess.