Université de Strasbourg

USIAS Fellowships

This call for proposals is now CLOSED ; the information remains available for information only. The launch of the next call is planned in June 2025.

Fellowships 2025

2025 Call for Proposals

Opening date: 20 June 2024

Deadline for applications:
15 October 2024
(13:00 CET)

Background information

The University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study (USIAS) was created in 2012 to fund excellent, original research in all scientific domains and to serve as a place of intellectual innovation. In order to reach this objective, USIAS welcomes excellent researchers from all countries and all disciplinary backgrounds. Each year, the Institute selects around 15 Fellows for a period of between three months to two years.

Fellowships are available to researchers:

  • From outside of Strasbourg, wishing to carry out research in interaction with researchers at the University of Strasbourg and/or to use a specific Strasbourg research facility. Eligible candidates should be at the level of at least assistant professor (tenure track) or equivalent.
  • From Strasbourg wishing to work on particularly original research ideas, seeking to apply their knowledge and skills to new domains outside of their current field of work. Joint projects with an external applicant are particularly encouraged. Eligible candidates should hold a permanent post and be at least at the level of maître de conférences or chargé de recherche (or equivalent).

Applications from emeritus professors can be considered. Applicants holding a non-permanent position, e.g. post-doctorate, are not eligible to apply.

Joint Fellowships can be submitted, with a maximum of three applicants for any one project.

Candidates may apply for two consecutive years, provided that they passed the pre-selection stage the first time. After two applications, they should wait for at least one year before applying again. Applicants who did not pass the stage of pre-selection cannot apply in the year thereafter, but are asked to wait at least one year before applying again.

Former USIAS or FRIAS-USIAS Fellows cannot submit a new application within five years of the end of their Fellowship project. They can, however, act as host to external applicants.

Guidelines for applicants

Please read carefully the GUIDELINES FOR APPLICANTS that contain all the necessary information to prepare your application.

Preparing the application

Applications must be submitted online in English in the specified format to enable international peer review (with the exception of research related to French language and literature; see guidelines) by the call deadline.

  • All uploaded documents should be in pdf format, using the templates provided below and the requested filenames. The format for documents is 12 pt font, 2.5 cm for all margins, and single line-spacing.
  • Note on the filename: the text in brackets should be replaced with your family name.
    Example: [Family name of Applicant]_CV => GARCIA_CV
  • Note on the templates: all text shown in brackets in the template serves as guidance for applicants and should be replaced by the applicant.
    Example: in the template "Applicant information", [name and affiliation of the applicant] => Roger Garcia, Yale University
Template (doc) Required of Filename
Applicant information All applicants * [Family name of Applicant]_CV
Project Proposal All applicants ** [Family name of Applicant1]_Proposal
Host letter (no template) - the letter can be in English or French
and should be signed by the director of the hosting research unit
(see list of units)
External applicants * [Family name of Applicant]_HL
Accord du Directeur Internal applicants * [Family name of Applicant]_ADi
Accord du Doyen - only required if your application includes
a request for dispensation
Internal applicants * [Family name of Applicant]_ADo

1 document per applicant / ** 1 document per project

Applicant portal

To apply, you will need to register with the online application system (accessible via the menu on the right of this page: Applicant portal).

After registering, you will be able to start filling in the application form. Only one application should be completed per project (the online form has sections to be completed with the details of the other co-applicant(s), if applicable). You can save and make changes to your application until you are ready to submit it. You can also print your application.

PLEASE READ THE GUIDELINES CAREFULLY TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE ALL THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION TO HAND. We recommend that you contact our office as soon as possible if you cannot find an answer to your question in the guidelines.

Please note that the USIAS office will be operating with a reduced staff during July and August. We will endeavour to respond to your query as soon as possible, but ask for your comprehension for any delay in processing your request.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

For frequently asked questions, please follow this link


Enquiries should be sent to: Dr. Rifka Weehuizen, Managing Director

Annual call calendar

  • June: Publication of call
  • October: Deadline for submission of application
    Eligibility check and preselection
  • November: Notification of preselection decision
    Evaluation of preselected applications
  • March: Establishment of a shortlist
    Notification of shortlist results
  • April: Final selection and notification of results
  • September to December: Start of Fellowships
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