Université de Strasbourg

Jean-Marie Lehn receives the Netherlands Award for Supramolecular Chemistry

05 March 2018

On 30 September, Jean-Marie Lehn, USIAS Professor of Chemistry of Complex Systems, has received the first Netherlands Award for Supramolecular Chemistry, in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

“The first Netherlands Award for Supramolecular Chemistry could only be given to one person: Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, by many regarded as the founding father of Supramolecular Chemistry. This prize is in recognition of his lifetime contribution to the field.”

The Research Center for Functional Molecular Systems has initiated the Netherlands Award for Supramolecular Chemistry with the intention to recognize and reward outstanding scientists in the Supramolecular Chemistry field. The award will be presented every year to an internationally renowned scientist working in the field of Supramolecular Chemistry.

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